
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Waiting for Summer

I may have missed a lot in life for waiting for something better to happen..
After that whole thing a few years back, I hope to not spend time waiting for any thing better.
I have learned important things from that.
Today I went out @ 730am .
There was no sun.
There was a cool, if not cold breeze blowing.
There was only gray and degrees of black and white.
The water temp dropped some 5-8 degrees
since last Monday night. ( it was 69 here that night)
It was like a March Morning with NW wind swell and chop
As usual I wore my trunks to the beach this morning.
I haven't had a wetsuit on since...???..summer..??
I am not putting on a wetsuit until it is Winter... PERIOD.
My neighbor John and I were virtually the only ones in.
Caught a few., froze my body aches away, which I do like.
I am inland about 8 miles.
Went home to blues skies and the most beautiful Summer Things I can imagine
At least I got Summer at home now.

I am not waiting for Summer at the beach.

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