
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday night , Saturday Morning, and Life

Friday night and Saturday Morning were good.
PM surfing was with my son.
It is ALWAYS good surfing with my son.

Surfing with Jason is an integral part of the whole scene for me, although that has been changing, as all things must, I suppose? We surf together less and less. I dot think that will be the case for very long and I look forward to retirement and surfing often with him and his family if I am so fortunate and blessed.
These last 2 years have had a lot of changes for me and my family.
Yes, there were some good changes.
Most notably were the strengthening of my relationship with the love of my life, Laurie.
Also the addition of "friends" into my life.
Plus the building relationship with GOD and nature.
There were other ones that weren't so good, but I fight them physically and mentally everyday. Family, friends, God, and mother ocean will get me through the bad ones.

Saturday AM was good. Got out with my friends Dave and Pat although the waves were hard to get into I seem to be surfing well and better than before.
We had fun as usual.

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