
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday / Sunday proved too much

Too much sewage.
Too many back to backs for this old dude to make it out.
Too much for all the locals to accompany me.

Sunday I gave it a go just me and the surf
no one else, except my love Laurie who is always with me in my heart.
Got half way out and gave up not because of weakness, but I just didn't feel right without SOMEBODY else in the water under those conditions....
It has something to do with almost dying 3 or 4 times in the hospital and not wanting to leave my wife and son. There ! I mean at least with a friend or two there would be some hope of surviving a tragedy out there,
Ah well.... I gave it a go and tested the water and myself.

surf on....


christian said...

That looked pretty heavy out there, Bill. At least you got wet, you know?

Anonymous said...

Tested the water with yourself more like........can you say....bacteria, oil, hep, etc....
After last week I would wait another 2 before going back in