
Sunday, February 14, 2010

SAT ur Day was A O K

Saw the beautiful morning glass on the cameras but held off and out for a dropping 10-11am tide,
and Voila, wind is on it.

Oh well ,paddled out with Dave and met Pat and Kyle out there too. Not too many others were out.
Brought my tighty whitey 9'6" with a tri fin cutaway set up.
Paddling seemed soooo slooooow compared to the huge glide machine I'm so used to now.( 10'3").
Despite the wind and the odd bump and difficult nature of these waves, I feel I surfed them well.
Last time out in the bigness I was a little disappointed in myself for playing too safe and not getting to the bottom of any of the waves, even though most every opportunity was a closeout.
This time I told myself, do the full drop and bottom turn to the sweet spot and try to haul ass.
I was pleased with the results.

As I write this (Sunday, Valentines Day, 6:42 AM, glassy on cameras)
I have again, with great anxiousness, backed out of dawn patrol due to the tide situation...... might be a bad call. I have made many and will again, we'll see.

Surf on...

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