
Friday, May 25, 2007

The locals are back

Photos courtesy of Ted, thats TerraMar Ted, a surf bro.


Kim said...

Woot! This pic makes me very happy!

Bill said...

Im glad to hear it makes you happy...me too !!
They are such masters of their enviornment, and have so much fun.
Dolpins are such a wonderful part of surfing.

Anonymous said...

The Stingrays are back. A novice surfer Memorial Day weekend was stung by a large ray. She was just south of the fenceline. It created a large cut and since she had no experience with this she thought she broke her foot somehow.

Bill said...

Ya know I was just wondering that today as I walked out. Ted said he had caught his first Halibut, and it dawned on me, that when the halibut come inside so do the rays. Crikie !

Miss Jeanette said...

Sweetness! I have never had the honor of sharing the line with dolphins....I have had the unfortunate honor of a stingray to the toe.

btw you would make an amazing delivery dude.

Whiffleboy said...


Two errors on my part:

1) I thought I was already linked to you, but, wasn't. Now am. Great blog you have.

2) I mistook a comment on my blog from you as an email and replied to a dead end. Drop me an email at whiffleblog AT gmail DOT com and I'll let you know my campsite if you're gonna be around.