
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wrong board-wrong tide oh well, trust yer instincts is the lesson I will take home.

This morning I arrived about a half hour later than I should have.
T-Mar WAS breaking but...... fatties lookin to break then shrinking until a little too close on the inside for a 10 ft. + board.
"TerraMirage" or "TerraMush" as some have said. I knew I should have brought my cali-classic Chris Slick with a trifin set up.....damn.!

Well I did my best (probably) and really got about 5 decent rides in 2 hours. I just cant take off REAL LATE on that board. The tide came up fast and killed it.

still stoked, as always, and thankful to the powers that be for giving this gift to my son and I.
Maybe I'll go back out now with a different board and a DIFFERENT TIDE.
Surf on, and on, and on.


6ftnperfect said...

it seems that the lower the tide the better it is at that place these days.

Bill said...

Its weird... but to me it seems that a SSW will do ok on the real highs if its glass, the NW's rise and vanish only to jack and bomb on the inside if its a high tide.


surf on....