How I got my STOKE back.
I am tired of this years extended May Gray and June Gloom

Wah Wah Wah ! ! !.....Ok?
Thurs PM I get some out there.
Friday PM I get some more at the reef.... dreaming of the big South on the way
Saturday AM.....check it...it sucks' I split.
Sunday AM the 4th, Jason and I check it, looks craptacular, we split....
missing 2 surf days on a weekend is enough to really get me down if I let it.
Jason to the rescue......I am trying not to get down and he suggests going to
a Padres ( were number 1) game. I like "yeah, ok" and he starts looking for tickets. He sees a Craigs list add for some last minute ticket.... posted just 15 minutes ago. we get 10th row field level tickets in between home and first.... FOR 20 BUCKS each ! ! ! ! whoa !

Turns into a 9th inning tie
and Tony Gwyn Junior bats in a game winner... PERFECT day at the Ball Park.
Get outta San Diego at 3:30 and home without any traffic at 420...perfect
Get ready to go to the Fireworks show, we can virtually walk to a $100000.00 show
@ Brengle Terrace Park in Vista and have been each year for 23 years....except this year my wife Laurie has gone on a camping trip in Northern Cali with a close friend..... I am Missing her.
Jason, his gal Emily and myself go to the show....perfect no hassles no long waits in traffic... just a GREAT show.. we come back and have our traditional Root Beer Floats..." BIG SMILE"
My son just treated me to a
great day....!!

I am stoked
Monday AM... wake up for dawn patrol @ 5 but crawl back in and go back to sleep, something I rarely ever get to do....
Dave calls me up and says come out at 630. Jason and I get there in trunks and
IT'S RAINING ? We go in he gets some great shoulder high rides, so do I.
We each get a head high drop or 2.
He gets the wave of the day where 3 other much more seasoned surfers couldn't and
I get really PROUD and
all that.

I needed this, it came at a good time, thanks Jason,
thanks Dave,
thanks Terramar Surf buddies.
Got my stoke back ! !
surf on ! !